District 65’s Restorative School Communities (RSC) Initiative
District 65’s Restorative School Communities (RSC) Initiative “Building Community and Enhancing Learning" . RSC believes if we strengthen relationships among all school community members through restorative practices (e.g. Circles), children’s socio-emotional and academic learning will flourish.
Our Circle Guidelines 1. We all sit in a Circle. 2. We use a Talking Piece. 3. We use “I Statements.” 4. What’s said in Circle Stays in Circle. 5. We have Openings and Closings to our Circles. ALL CIRCLES ARE RESTORATIVE BY NATURE. THEY FOSTER… *Equity and Inclusion *Self-Exploration and Reflection *Listening and Speaking with Intent *Empathy for One-Self and Others *Accountability *Leadership and Academic Competencies |